Sunday, November 1, 2015


The All Blacks won the rugby world cup. I am really proud. I wish I was a rugby player and win the rugby world cup.  I’d be very proud of myself.

By Tamsin

The All Blacks won the rugby world cup and we will get a lot of rugby stuff and I am happy that the All Blacks won the cup.
By Amy

We are the world champions and we won the cup for 8 years. I am excited so much.
By Tui

The All Blacks won the rugby world cup and we’ll have it for four months and Richie McCaw and the All Blacks are coming to New Zealand and I was proud of the All Blacks.
By Emily

The All Blacks won the world cup which was awesome.
By Josh

I watched the rugby.

By Zion

I watched the All Blacks.
By Kessidra

Zion's Dad's Honey Truck

Zion's dad came to school with his truck. We had a photo. It was very very much fun and then we went back to class. 
by Josh

Visit to the Dental Caravan

Riley's Rabbit

Week 3

Yet another busy week in Room 1. Riley and Jessie brought in Riley's pet rabbit to visit. Zion's Dad stopped by with his honey truck and we saw all the hives on the back.  We carried on practicing our athletics skills, high jump, long jump, vortex throwing, relay races and sprint races. We are getting really good with our moves in Folk Dancing and Line Dancing, with a few practices taking place. Then on Friday we had BLACK OUT DAY to support THE ALL BLACKS in their World Cup Final. Also on Friday we had Wheels Day - where we all brought along our bikes, skateboards or scooters and of course our protective gear and rode around the courts and the field. And then Fay and some senior helpers face painted our faces on Friday afternoon. What a fun week.

And lots of talking and writing and reading about these events too.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Tui's Chickens

I have baby chickens. We have 3 pets and we might have another one. It might be a black one.
I have baby chicklets and one is yellow and one is black. I like it.
By Tui

I love Tui’s chickens  and I loved the white one. It will be lots of fun to have some chickens.
By Emily

Tui has baby  chickens. One is brown. Tui brought the chickens in the box with hay in it. They had to go in the box so they didn’t have to carry them.
By Morghan

Tui brought a box. Inside was baby chickens. We had fun.
By Tamsin

Tui brang her little chicklets to school today and her Mum came too and they were black and yellow and they were little baby chicklets and they are fluffy and Tui brang them in a box.

By Deana

Writing and Making Comic Books

I am going to make a comic book. It’s going to be about super powers. Also super heroes.
By Tamsin

We are going to make a comic book and it’s about super heroes and I am excited and I make flowers grow and live and I make flower house for caterpillars and I like comic books.
By Amy

We are doing a comic book and we are doing a book of super heroes and they have super powers and one of them can go small and big and we read a book of that.

By Deana

Learning Dances for the Family Dance

We went to Room 4 and we learnt a new dance and it is with a boy and the boy I danced with is Payton and Payton is have to take my hand.
By Madison

We did Folk Dancing with Room 4.
By Tamsin

I did five people. Matua is at the front. I am next to Matua. Kiani and Deana Lee are next to me. Madison is next and Emily is next to Madison and that is all of my people and they are doing the Line Dance and this is one is a big Folk Dance and I danced with Archie.
By Hollie

We did folk dancing with Daniel and after girls had to dance with a boy and it was fun.
By Amy

We did Folk Dancing with Room 4 today and I danced with Jay and it was fun and we had to make a tunnel and we had to skip down and back up and Room 4 is next to Room 3.
By Deana

We had to dance with a boy from Room 4.

By Kessidra

Pet Day and Fluffy at Pet Day Stories

On Friday it was Pet Day and I liked it. It was my first Pet Day and I did like it because it was my first Pet Day ever.
Mrs Bullock’s lamb is named Fluffy and it is a cute name and I call it because it is a cute lamb and everybody likes it.
By Madison

We are going to love Pet Day and I love my lamb too. I will tell you Bat Lamb is my lamb.
My lamb went to Pet Day and it was fun at Pet Day.
By Noah

It will be my first time going to Pet Day. I am going to bring a lamb. I will enjoy it but Morghan isn’t going to bring a pet. My lambs name is Pretty and Joshua’s lambs name is Wayne. When we lead Wayne and Pretty it will be so much fun.
By Hollie

I am going to train my lamb.
By Kiani

Tomorrow is Pet Day and I will bring my lamb. I might have fun with my lamb.
I can’t  wait until Pet Day. My Dad is going to set up the ring. My lamb is 3 years old and my lamb is cute.
By Tui

It is Pet Day tomorrow and the ones who aren’t bringing a lamb they get to lead the lamb and its name is Fluffy and she is getting very big.

By Deana

Steven's Rabbit Poppy

Steven has a rabbit. It is black. I like the rabbit. It is furry. I wish that I had a rabbit. If I had a rabbit it would sleep in Joeys basket.
By Morghan

At school a rabbit came to Room 1. Her name was Poppy.
By Dylan

Steven brang his bunny rabbit Poppy and it was a fluffy rabbit and he brought it today and it liked Tamsin and it’s like a black colour and it’s like a silver colour and it was going to Tamsin and Noah too.
By Deana

Steven has a rabbit and Steven loves his rabbit very much.

By Josh

Jessie Found a Stick Insect

I found a stick insect.
By Jessie

Jessie has a stick insect and it is here at school in a container in Room One.
By Josh

Jessie found an insect. The insect is a stick insect on the soccer ball.
By Tamsin

Jessie found an insect and it is called a stick insect.

By Amy

The All Blacks made the Semi-finals Week Two Writing

The All Blacks are going to face South Africa but the All Blacks are facing tomorrow and I am excited and me and my Mum are going to watch it. It is fun and my Dad and Tom is coming too and it will be fun.
By Emily

The All Blacks are the best.
By Tamsin

I watched the All Blacks facing France yesterday. I had some peace of quiet, my piece of quiet was fun.
By Hollie

The All Black are facing South Africa and if we cheer for the All Blacks they might win and its exciting and if they win the school will get a lot of money.

By Amy

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Poppy the Rabbit

Stephen brought his rabbit Poppy and it was a fluffy rabbit and he brought it today and it liked Tamsin and it's like a black colour and it's like a silver colour too and it always came over to Tamsin and Noah too,

By Deana

Poppy the Rabbit

Senior Authors Reading

Week Two Term 4
This week in Room 1, after the excitement of Pet Day we have again been busy.  We had some seniors come to our room to share a picture book they have written for us.  On Tuesday the whole school learned Line Dancing with help from Mrs Salt from the Geyserland Line Dancers.  We have been learning some Folk Dances as well ready for our Family Dance on Friday 6th November, We had a rabbit called Poppy visit us and today Tui brought two of her chickens (chicklets) in to share with us.  And we are all going to get up at 4am on Sunday morning to cheer on the All Blacks.
Go the All Blacks.

Monday, October 19, 2015




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Jumping for Defibrillator Signage

On the last Friday of Term 3 we held a Jump Rope for Defibrillator Signage event.  Our local community has raised funds to have a defibrillator held at the Rerewhakaaitu Settlers Hall in case of need. To enable lots more people to know of its availability we joined in to raise some funds so that we can put signs around - down at the lake, along the roadsides to let people know it is there for them to use when and if needed.  The children did lots of skipping and the school raised $130. Thanks and well done everyone.

Jumping for Defibrillator

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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Our Class Lamb - No Name Yet!!

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Spring in Room 1

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


This week we have been lucky enough to have some Room 4 people visit us and share their speeches with our class. The seniors have a speech competition which they have been preparing for.

We loved hearing the speeches and lots of the people in our class decided to write and present their own speeches. We wrote them on cue cards, which we numbered and we introduced our speeches and we wrote a conclusion. Parents - ask your children to present them to you. Well done - more awesome learning from Room 1.

Speech writing and presenting by Room 1

I am going to tell you about my Dad. He got a game on his phone and it is a Dora game and Dora babysits her little sister and her little brother. And that is a funny game
And thank you for listening to my speech.
By Madison

Good afternoon Room 1 I am going to tell you about how to take care of butterflies. You need to leave them alone and make sure nobody touches them. Butterflies do not like birds and I love butterflies and I love kittens and butterflies. Thank you for listening to my speech.
By Emily

Today I am going to tell you about Minecraft. They build stuff on Minecraft and I have it on my ipad and some people have a push up and it was Simon and Josh. And Josh landed in the blackberry bush.
By Noah

I am going to tell you about my lamb. Jessie is coming to stay and I am going to town and Jessie is going to look after my lamb. My lamb is special to me and today Jessie brought his lamb too.
By Noah

Me and my sister went on the playground outside at school.
By Kessidra

Today I am going to tell you about my favourite sport – Rugby and Richie McCaw is my favourite player and I play rugby. I might play like him.
By Dylan

This is a speech about Rugby. I love rugby because you get to kick a ball so do the other people. And some people fall over and it is not nice. Thank you for listening to my speech.
By Amy

Good afternoon class I am going to tell you about Tui eggs. They come out at summer and they have a little white will under their chest and they are pretty green, I like tui birds and they come out on my birthday and bumble bees and butterflies come out too.
By Tui

Me and Joshua is going to Tylers birthday I cant wait until me and Joshua go to Tylers birthday. It is going to be exciting. I am going to give her a hug kiss hug. Joshua too. Happy birthday Tyler. I love you so much Tyler. You are …………….. my best Tyler but thank you for inviting me. Its my speech and that’s all thank you. You are pretty Tyler. Do you know what her big sisters name and that’s all thank you.
By Hollie

I am going to tell you about my game. My game is a favourite game it is the robot game.
By Simon

Today I am going to tell you about your brain. Cerebellum she helps you balance and dance. Cerebral Cortex – he is the most important person in your brain. Brainstem – he builds the new part of your brain and Hippocampus she helps you learn.   That’s all thank you.
By Tui

Monday, September 7, 2015

Seniors Reading to Room 1

Some of our senior students have been writing and making books to read to our class.
Last week one of our senior girls shared her book about a Birthday Party with us.  We enjoyed the book and loved hearing it being read by its author.

Action Stations

In Room 1 we do Action Stations two afternoons a week. We choose from a range of activities (some depend on the weather) and put these on the board. Then we choose names from the bag and when your name is drawn out you can choose which activity you would like to do. We have an idea to focus on while we are doing our activities - these ideas are based on the key competencies - things like who did you see caring today? or who helped you to learn something new today? or what new things did you try at your activity today?  One of our favourite activities is Cardboard boxes where we make creations from cardboard boxes, using scissors and selotape. Only 3 people can go on an activity at a time and if there are already 3 people on, you have to negotiate with them to see if they would like to swap activities or not. People don't have to change and you soon learn to negotiate, use your manners and become patient.

Action stations are very popular in Room 1.

Week 7 Term 3

This week in Room 1 we have been learning about germs.  We know we should wash our hands with soap, we should flush and wash, we should wash our hands before we eat and we can use hand sanitiser from on the bench.

Some of our writers say this about germs:

Germs live everywhere and if you don’t wash your hands you will get sick and I don’t like it when I get sick and I only like it when germs are nice and I only like it when I have good times.
By Amy

Before when you have lunch you have to wash your hands
By Archie

We have also been talking about getting some pet lambs and calves and looking after them ready for Calf and Lamb Day on October 16th:

Before I go to school I need to feed my lamb with warm milk with a bottle. I only feed her at morning and night too with warm milk I am so much. It is easy I am proud of her so much Mum feeds her at lunchtime. I hope she is good when our mum feeds her. I love her.
By Hollie

We made Fathers Day cards and wrote about why our Dads are special and what they do for us.
We hope all the Dads enjoyed getting their cards.

My Dad is fun and he takes me to rugby. He helps my Mum and my Dad is cool.  

I am going to get my Dad some gumboots.

My Dad is awesome because he helps me build stuff with him and dig with him.

I love my Dad because he helps me on my bike and he helps me build a secret hideout and he makes strawberry cakes for me and he is my favourite Dad.

My Dad takes turns at reading stories to me. I love stories because they are fun. 

I like my Dad because he milks the cows for me. I like my Dad also because he reads me a bedtime story at bedtime.

I hope my Dad likes my card. I love my Dad.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Rere Bear Goes on a Student Exchange - and Welcome Alfie the Elephant

Love Letters


Move It

We did Move It yesterday and we can do forward rolls and we do the cobwebs.
By Deana

I like to Move it, I like to Move It, Move It,
By Simon

I like Move It because we get to do tricks and I love Move It and we do forward rolls and we go under the Move It Web.

By Emily

View from the Top Pictures

View From the Top

We are going up the mountain with the whole school. It will be fun.
By Tamsin

When we go up the mountain it is going to be fun. My mum is comning.
By Morghan

I went up a mountain today.
The whole school is going up the mountain to see a Maori mountain.
By Noah

We went up the mountain.
By Josh

I went up the hill and it was fun and we had to take a snack and it needed to be healthy. We could see almost all over the lake and it was fun.
By Emily

We are going up the mountain.
By Simon

We went up the mountain yesterday and at the mountain the whole class came.
By Deana

I am going to go up the mountain. We are going to have to bring a drink and food and my Mum is comin and my brother is coming and it will be fun.
By Hollie

We are going to walk up the mountain today and I am excited and my Mum came and I can’t wait.
By Amy

Today we are going up the mountain and the hill is a Maori mountain.

By Archie

Amy's Rabbit Tiffany Visits Room 1

Monday, August 24, 2015

Measuring in Maths

Term 2 Disco



I went to a stage. I sang Ka Mate Ka Mate Korua korua
By Dylan

I went to Kapa Haka and we sang Hoki Hoki for the parents. We are getting better at Kapa Haka.
By Madison

I didn’t go to Kapa Haka because I was sick.
By Deana

I went to Kapa Haka to sing Kapa Haka songs. 
By Tamsin

Today I am going to the hall.
By Hollie

My mum is coming to Kapa Haka and Granny.
By Morghan

I went to the Kapa Haka festival. The girls wear a skirt and the boys wear a maro and the girls wear a singlet. A black singlet. My Dad couldn’t come because he had to go to work.
By Sydnie

I went to Kapa Haka and we sang Hoki Hoki and in the dance me and Tui’s pois hit together and the boys wear bare chests and the girls wear skirts and bodices.
By Abbie

I sang Tihei Mauri Ora and Hoki Hoki and I like Kapa Haka and I was in Room 4 line and the girls wore a skirt and a tshirt and the boys wore bare chests and a maro and pois and headbands.
By Amy

I went to the Kapa Haka festival and I sang and the boys wore a bare chest and the girls wore beautiful singlets and skirts. I sang Tihei Mauri Ora and KaMate KaMate Koru and I sang Hoki Hoki.
By Bree

I went to Kapa Haka and we did the actions and we sang and we did a pukana after that.  After that we watched the big kids on the stage.
By Tui

Jessie is on the stage and these are plants.
By Simon

I went to Kapa Haka festival.
By Jessie

I went to Kapa Haka and my Mum was there and we sung the haka. We wore uniforms and they were called maros.
By Jay

I went to the Kapa Haka festival. I loved it. I was proud of myself. My Mum was proud of myself and it was fun.
By Mac

I got to Kapa Haka. We wore Kapa Haka clothes.
By Noah



I played in the leaves and I found some pretty colours.
By Jay

I went to jump in the leaves.
By Hollie

My four leaves are pretty colours and it was fun and some leaves had spots and it was windy.
By Emily

My leaves are green.
By Tamsin

I got covered in leaves. Trent covered me in leaves. It was really fun to me and Hollie.
By Bree

I saw yellow and brown and red and green and I love leaves.
By Amy
I went out in the leaves.
By Deana-Lee

I am up in the leaves.
By Madison

Today at school I went outside and we saw lots of leaves. We found leaves and my favourite leaf was a yellow and with spots and I like my leaves.
By Abbie

The leaves are brown and red and yellow. I got to throw the leaves.
By Noah

My favourite leaf is all of different colours. They are red and orange.

By Sydnie

Safety Around Dogs with Amanda and Gus

MARCH 2015

Amanda came to school with her dog.

Amanda came to our school and she taught us what dog safety. I listened.

Amanda came to the school and I know Amanda and she comes to my house and I come to her house.

I saw Amanda and we played a game.

I learned about Amandas dog.

I went to listen to Amanda.

Gus and Amanda teached room 1.

We saw Amanda training her dog.

I liked Amanda because she taught us about Dog Safety like lying like a log and stand like a tree.

Amanda teached us

Amanda taught about dogs and showed us some tricks.


I play a game with  Gus the dog.

Safety Around Dogs with Amanda and Gus

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Chalk Writing

Today was such as nice day we decided to do our writing outside.  We took our new bucket of chalk and drew around our buddies while they lay down on the warm court. Then we practiced writing their names. We drew around some shadows of people too, their shadows were a lot taller. Again we practiced writing names.  

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Chalk Writing

Leg It

Every Tuesday afternoon for the next 6 weeks Adam is going to come and teach us about running, walking, balancing and lots of things we can use our legs for. Balancing and basic motor skills is our focus. This week we played some games like Stuck in the Mud and Lions and  Gazelles. We learned about balancing having one part of our body on the ground, two parts of our body on the ground
three parts and four. Then we worked with a buddy and only had two parts of two bodies on the ground, three and four,  We learned to help each other and to co-operate.  And best of all ....
We had fun!